Internship Guarantee Classroom Program 3.0

Learn Fullstack Development and Become Internship Ready in Just 6 Months 🚀

Only at ₹ 19,999 /-

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What you will learnafter joining Internship Guarantee Classroom Program 3.0?

calendar-iconStart Date:

11th November 2024

calendar-iconBatch Time:
8:00 AM - 9:30 AM

In this course we will teach you complete FullStack Development from basic to advanced level. After completing this course you will become internship ready and you can start applying for internships. We will assign you one personal mentor, you can always connect with him/her and ask your doubts. 3 Small assignments will be given in every week(You need to complete these assignments within two weeks). For completing these assignments our teaching assistants will guide you. ⚠️ If you don't complete assignments we will remove you from the course.

Learn MERN Stack Development and build 10+ individual/group projects. Get 1:1 mentorship. Create of proof of works and start applying for internships.

⚠️ If you don't complete assignments we will remove you from the course.

Unique featuresof our IGCP

Internship Assurance

Internship Assurance

Engaging 30+ Projects

Engaging 30+ Projects

Expert-Led Mock Interviews

Expert-Led Mock Interviews

Resume Building

Resume Building

Personalised Doubt Resolution

Personalised Doubt Resolution

Collaborative Group Projects

Collaborative Group Projects


Structured syllabus for smooth learning


  • Introduction to Web Development
  • Installation of VSCode
  • Hello World (First Webpage)
  • Heading Tags
  • Bold, Italic, Underline, SuperScript and SubScript Tags
  • Division and Paragraph Tag
  • Image Tag
  • Anchor Tag
  • Foodie Woodie (First Project)


  • Ordered List
  • Unordered List
  • Video Tag and Audio Tag
  • Iframe Tag
  • Embed Tag
  • Adding YouTube Video to Webpage
  • Adding Google Map to Webpage
  • Form Tags


  • Table Tag
  • Introduction to CSS
  • CSS Selectors
  • font-size, color, background-color, height, width, border and border-radius
  • Inline, Document Level and External CSS


  • margin, padding and box-model
  • box-shadow
  • text-align
  • hover in css
  • font-family
  • display and position properties
  • designing cards


  • Flexboxes
  • Calculator (Second Project)
  • Media Queries and Making Responsive Websites
  • About Me Project (Third Project)


  • Introduction to Git & GitHub
  • Creating first repository
  • Making first commit
  • Push and Pull
  • Fork
  • Pull Request
  • Publishing website on GitHub
  • Polishing Foodie Woodie Project
  • Paytm Website Clone (Fourth Project)


  • First Group Project


  • Introduction to JavaScript
  • console.log()
  • alert
  • prompt()
  • confirm()
  • Variables
  • Operators


  • Conditional Statements (if, if-else, if-else-ladder, nested-if)
  • Switch Case
  • Difference Between var, let and const


  • DOM Manipulation using getElementById
  • Looping Statements
  • Arrays
  • Methods on Arrays


  • Element Selectors
  • DOM Manipulation
  • Events in JavaScript
  • Functions in JavaScript


  • Introduction to Node.js
  • Node.js Installation
  • Node Package Manager (NPM)
  • File System (fs) Module
  • Asynchronous Programming in Node.js
  • Introduction to Back-End Development
  • Building a Basic Server with Node.js


  • Introduction to MongoDB
  • MongoDB Installation
  • MongoDB Compass Installation
  • MongoDB CRUD Operations
  • Mongoose ODM
  • Creating Schemas and Models
  • Performing CRUD with Mongoose


  • Introduction to Express.js
  • Creating RESTful APIs with Express.js
  • Handling HTTP Requests and Responses
  • Middleware in Express.js
  • Building CRUD APIs
  • Connecting MongoDB with Express.js


  • Introduction to React
  • create-react-app
  • Folder Structure
  • JSX
  • Components
  • Props
  • State and Lifecycle Methods


  • React Router
  • useState Hook
  • useEffect Hook
  • Handling Forms in React
  • Managing State with useContext Hook
  • Building Reusable Components


  • Introduction to MERN Stack
  • Connecting React with Node.js
  • Connecting Node.js with MongoDB
  • Building a Full-stack MERN Application
  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Handling Authentication with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)


  • Deploying MERN Stack Application on Heroku


  • MERN Project - Part 1


  • MERN Project - Part 2


  • MERN Project - Part 3


  • MERN Project - Part 4


  • MERN Project - Part 5


  • Final Project Presentation