C Programming

Learn C Programming from Scratch and Kickstart your career in Computer Science

Only at ₹ 999 /-

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What you will learnafter joining C Programming?

calendar-iconStart Date:

20th August 2024

calendar-iconBatch Time:
8:00 PM - 9:00 PM

Since this course is for beginners, we will start from the basics and then move to advanced concepts. We will cover all the concepts of C Programming in this course. We will assign you one personal mentor, you can always connect with him/her and ask your doubts. 3 Small assignments will be given in every week(You need to complete these assignments within two weeks). For completing these assignments our teaching assistants will guide you.

Even if don't know anything about programming, you can start learning C Programming from scratch and master the concepts of programming. C is the most popular programming language and is used in almost every field of Computer Science.

📚Introduction to Programming
📚Operations on Variables
📚Conditional Statements
📚Looping Statements
⚠️ If you don't complete assignments we will remove you from the course.

Unique featuresof our C

Master 100+ Programs

Master 100+ Programs

Precision Logic Building

Precision Logic Building

Expert Doubt Assistance

Expert Doubt Assistance


Structured syllabus for smooth learning


  • Introduction to C Programming
  • Hello World Program
  • Variables and Data Types
  • Taking input from user


  • Operators
  • Comments in C Programming
  • Type Casting and Type Conversion


  • Conditional Statements(if, if-else, nested if-else, if-else ladder)
  • Switch Case


  • Looping Statements(for, while, do-while)


  • Arrays
  • Sum of Array Elements
  • Largest and Smallest Element from an Array
  • Linear Search
  • Binary Search


  • Strings
  • Functions


  • Pointers
  • Call by value
  • Call by address


  • Structures and Union


  • Mini Project